Final Steering Committee Meeting, 28th September 2016
On the 28th of September, 2016 an one-days Final Steering Committee Meeting was hosted by the the Institute of Legal Information Theory and Techniques at The Hague, Netherlands.
The main focus of the meeting was the implementation of the last remaining deliverables and tasks under the EVIDENCE project, and the overall reporting of the project after its end in October 2016.
Photos of the event could be found in ‘The Gallery’ Section at 'Final SCM, September 2016' Folder.
Interim Steering Committee Meeting, 4th-5th July 2016
On the 4th and 5th of July, 2016 a two-days Interim Steering Committee Meeting was hosted by the the Institute of Legal Information Theory and Techniques at the National Research Council, Italy.
The main focus of the meeting was the implementation of the last remaining deliverables and tasks and the EVIDENCE team participated in a brainstorming exercises on (a) the future EVIDENCE Road Map; (b) the Evidence Exchange Application Prototype; and (c) the EVIDENCE Final Conference (to take place in September 2016).
Photos of the event could be found in ‘The Gallery’ Section at 'iSCM, July 2016' Folder.
Steering Committee Meeting, 21st-22nd April 2016
On the 21st and 22nd of April, 2016 a two-days Steering Committee Meeting was hosted by the the Institute of Legal Information Theory and Techniques at the National Research Council, Italy.
The Project Coordinator provided a status update on the project, an overview of the upcoming EVIDENCE events and also of events that may be relevant to the project, as well as a short brief on relevant contacts established in the EVIDENCE network.
The project partners discussed in details the results of the Review Meeting of the EC, the implementation of the last remaining deliverables and tasks and participated in a brainstorming exercises on (a) the future EVIDENCE Road Map and (b) the EVIDENCE Final Conference (to take place in September 2016).
Photos of the event could be found in ‘The Gallery’ Section at 'SCM, April 2016' Folder.
Interim Steering Committee Meeting, 22nd October 2015
On 22 October 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria an Interim Steering Committee Meeting was held following the project progress between July and October 2015, reviewing all recent developments and updating the consortium on immediate issues and topics. A short memorandum on submitted/forthcoming deliverables was presented.
A special session was dedicated to the development of the Road Map being the final and most important deliverable of the EVIDENCE project.
A brief overview of planned events and all meetings/workshops that might be interested for the development of the project were introduced and closed the event.
Photos of the event could be found in ‘The Gallery’ Section at 'iSCM October 2015' Folder.
Interim Steering Committee Meeting, 2nd-3rd July 2015
On 2-3 July, 2015 in Hannover, Germany an Interim Steering Committee Meeting was held following the project progress over the last six months of the EVIDENCE implementation.
The Coordinating team reviewed all developments since the SCM in February 2015 and updated the consortium on immediate issues and topics. A short memorandum on submitted/forthcoming deliverables was presented.
Presentations of all WPs and their current status were given to the project partners, incl. reports on activities and results achieved between February and July 2015.
A brief overview of planned events and all meetings/workshops that might be interested for the development of the project were introduced and closed the second day of the event.
Photos of the event could be found in ‘The Gallery’ Section at 'iSCM, July 2015' Folder.
Steering Committee Meeting, 9th-10th February 2015
On the 9th and 10th of February, 2015 a full two-days Steering Committee Meeting was hosted by the Institute of Legal Informatics in Hannover, Germany.
The Project Coordinator provided a status update on the project, an overview of the upcoming EVIDENCE events and also of events that may be relevant to the project, as well as a short brief on relevant contacts established in the EVIDENCE network.
The project partners discussed in details the implementation of each work package and participated in a brainstorming exercises on (a) the future implementation of WP5 ‘Technical Issues’ aimed at developing an Evidence Exchange Prototype Application and validating Technical Specifications and Guidelines related to it; and (b) the future EVIDENCE ‘Roadmap’.
Photos of the event could be found in ‘The Gallery’ Section at 'SCM, February 2015' Folder.
Interim Steering Committee Meeting, 10th October 2014
On the 10th of October, 2014 in Girona, Spain an Interim Steering Committee Meeting was held following the project progress over the first six months of the EVIDENCE implementation.
The Coordinating team reviewed all developments since the Kick-off Meeting in March 2014 and updated the consortium on immediate issues and topics. A short memorandum on submitted/forthcoming deliverables was presented.
Presentations of all WPs and their current status were given to the project partners, incl. reports on activities and results achieved between March and October 2014.
A brief overview of planned events and all meetings/workshops that might be interested for the development of the project were introduced and closed the working day.
Photos of the event could be found in ‘The Gallery’ Section at 'iSCM, October 2014' Folder.
Kick-off Meeting, 24th-25th March 2014
On 24th and 25th of March 2014 the EVIDENCE project held its Kick-Off Meeting in Florence, Italy. During the meeting the EVIDENCE partners discussed and approved a number of items including project plan, outline dissemination strategy and evaluation strategy and criteria.
Host of the event was the Institute of Legal Information Theory and Techniques at the National Research Council – project co-ordinating institution of EVIDENCE.
The Research Executive Agency’s Project Officer of EVIDENCE took part in the event and expressed her great satisfaction of the well-established relationships between the project partners, the friendly environment during the meeting and the high level of expertise presented.
Photos of the event could be found in ‘The Gallery’ Section at 'Kick-Off Meeting' Folder.