The Council of EU came up with a Draft Manual on Law Enforcement Information Exchange on 23 April 2015 for approval to the delegations of the Working Party on Information Exchange and Data Protection (DAPIX).
The IISFA FORUM & CYBERCOP Challenge 2015 has been organized by the International Information Systems Forensics Association in Rome, Italy on 15th and 16th of May.
Joint the roundtable organised by the EVIDENCE consortium to share your knowledge, your opinion and to help brainstorming on how new technologies could be used by the judicial stakeholders to increase the efficiency of legal proceedings while maintaining or even improving the trustworthiness of the digital evidence building process...
The EVIDENCE Project took part in the Law Living Lab section organized by ITTIG during the second day of the Festival of Europe.
Within the activities of the EVIDENCE project we have organized a special meeting in Florence for the benefit of the WP4 ‘Technical Issues’ research.
In the framework of the WP7 ‘Market Size’ a study on the obstacles and facilitating factors (mainly institutional, organizational and social) in the transition process towards an ICT based evidence in courts is to be to carry out. If you are interested in participating in the EVIDENCE activities, please let us know at!
Identifying ways to enhance cooperation in combating organized crime and terrorism is the focus of the 11th INTERPOL Heads of National Central Bureaus (NCBs) meeting in March 2015.
EVIDENCE Project took part in the second annual DFRWS EU conference held from March 23 to 26, 2015 in Dublin, Ireland.
At the end of the 12th month of the EVIDENCE Project the first progress report was submitted to the European Commission.
On the 9th and 10th of February, 2015 a full two-days Steering Committee Meeting was hosted by the Institute of Legal Informatics in Hannover, Germany.